Moorpark / 2021 / 79 apt / 13,628 SF commercial / Moorpark, CA
Moorpark, also known as High Street Project is a step towards Dalygroup’s goal of Transit Oriented development. The building itself is placed on a long thin lot at the mouth of the Amtrak and Metrolink commuter train. A three story building with parking tucked under the backside, the building fronts high street with a series of small shops and restaurants that all funnel into a large open plaza where Dalygroup is bringing to Moorpark’s downtown a space that functions as a park and a space to enjoy the restaurants and shops that flank its large green space. This project will be the largest development in Moorpark and in designing this, Dalygroup hopes that the project serves as a catalyst to promote more development of the historic Moorpark Downtown into a lively central meeting place.
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Architect: DiCecco Architecture (DAI)